Configuration Options
All available deployment options for ux4iot
You can generally deploy a ux4iot without specifying any parameters, except for the iotHubEventHubConnectionString
. This is because we provide default values for all other configuration variables. However we highly recommend setting a serverVersion. Without it you will deploy the latest code version which is basically a version of a single commit. You will use a development version of ux4iot then.
The configuration options are somewhat ordered by priority. You will need the last ones the least amount of time. We recommend to deploy a ux4iot service with at least the following configuration variables:
Bicep / ARM Parameter | Default Value | Description | Allowed Values | type |
serverVersion | latest | ux4iot docker image version to deploy | infra | |
iotHubEventHubConnectionString | The connection string of the EventHub that publishes data you want to subscribe to | server | ||
iotHubServiceConnectionString | "" | The service connection string of the IoTHub you want to access for devices. You need to pick a connection string that includes the policies "Registry Read" and "Service Connect" | server | |
eventHubConsumerGroup | $Default | The consumer group of the EventHub that publishes data you want to subscribe to | server | |
sku | standard | The scaling tier of ux4iot. Influences cpu and memory of ux4iot and redis containers within the container app. Standard: cpu cores redis: 0.5 memory redis: 1Gi cpu cores ux4iot: 1.0 memory ux4iot: 2Gi Small: cpu cores redis: 0.25 memory redis: 0.5Gi cpu cores ux4iot: 0.5 memory ux4iot: 1Gi | standard | small | infra |
throttlingInterval | -1 | Throttle time to delay messages put on the websocket for consumers in milliseconds. | server | |
connectionStateCacheTTL | 60 | Time how long a connection state update is persisted in the internal ux4iot cache, in seconds. Set to -1 to disable the cache. | server | |
customTimestampKey | _ts | Custom object key of a message to look for the timestamp | server | |
customDeviceIdKey | deviceId | Custom object key of a message to look for the deviceId | server | |
customConnectionStateKey | "" | Custom object key of a message to look for the connectionState. | server | |
connectionStateOnTelemetry | true | Flag on whether the connection state of a device should be updated whenever a telemetry message for that device is received. | true | false | server |
logLevel | info | Sets the initial log level of ux4iot | error | warn | info | verbose | debug | server |
location | resourceGroup().location | The location where all resources of ux4iot should be deployed | infra | |
logAnalyticsTracesTableTier | Analytics | Tier of the log analytics traces table. You can only change this value once a week, as dictated by microsoft. Basic Tier will give you less options when querying for logs, but is cheaper. Also the retention time will be set to 7 days instead of 90. | Basic | Analytics | infra |
redisVersion | 1.2.0 | redis docker image version to deploy | infra | |
skipCustomResource | false | Skips deployment of the internal function app for the custom resource provider | true | false | infra |
skipKeyVaultContents | false | Skips deployment of key vault secrets, which leads to the update of the iotHubServiceConnectionStringSecret, iotHubEventHubConnectionStringSecret, storageAccountConnectionStringSecret, backendFuncTriggerUrlSecret | true | false | infra |
primaryAdminSecret | "" | Primary Shared Access Key of the Ux4iot | infra | |
secondaryAdminSecret | "" | Secondary Shared Access Key of the Ux4iot | infra |
Last updated